She Explores

Gale Straub
Available on iTunes
Podcast Description:
She Explores

She Explores is a podcast for and about women who are inspired by time spent outside. Episodes cover themes such as solo hiking, camping, entrepreneurship, aging, diversity, conservation, motherhood, chronic illness and feminism as they intersect with outdoor experiences.

She Explores: Podcast Review

November 16, 2019

I’ve long said that I am the most myself when I am outdoors; hiking, camping and canoeing makes me feel free and grounded all at once. I used to find that feeling hard to articulate, until I found She Explores. This podcast features women adventurers from all walks of life that are able to so eloquently speak to their special connection to nature, and the ways they choose to protect and embrace the outdoors.

Host Gale Straub’s voice, with her consistent tone and measured tempo, has calmed me down on many an occasion and refocused me on what’s important when I needed it most: nurturing my relationship with myself, the people around me, and with my environment.

Podcast Critic:
Gabi Foss

Gabi is a fresh business school grad, current Community Manager at the Upside Foundation of Canada, and an avid podcast-consumer in her spare time. Her favourite time to listen is during a Sunday long run through Toronto’s urban trails.